Frequently Asked Questions
Here is the page for our direct email addresses: Contact the Homepage
Before emailing, please review the following FAQ for possible answers to your questions. There is also a site map where you may find more information, as well as a search page.
The Fellowship of Isis:
What is the Fellowship of Isis?
Castle - Visits to Ireland:
How can I attend the seasonal festivals at the Castle?
Are there tours given at the Castle?
FOI Centers:
How can I find FOI Centers?
Complaints / Reporting
Where do I send a complaint or a report?
Are the materials in the Fellowship of Isis copyrighted?
How can I join the Fellowship of Isis?
What can I do once I am a member?
How do I update my membership information?
How do I resign from the FOI?
Personal Information:
Removing personal information
How do I register a new center and/or title with the Foundation Center?
Research Questions:
Can you help me with research for my school paper, fiction writing, trivia game, etc.?
Other inquiries - Contact Information
What is the FOI?
The FOI is a multi-faithed, multi-cultural, multi-religious fellowship that peacefully honors the Goddess in all her forms. You may read more about it here: Introduction
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FOI Centers
You may see a list of active FOI Centers here: FOI Directory
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Castle Seasonal Festivals
Members who wish to visit the Castle are asked to do so during one of the eight seasonal festivals. Written invitations are required and these are not advertised online. Please see this page for details: Fellowship of Isis Festivals
Visits to Huntington Castle for Guided Tours of the Castle and Grounds, and non-FOI events should be addressed to http://www.huntingtoncastle.com. The Castle is not open to the public, except for advertised events.
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Complaints - Reports
Complaints or reports may be emailed to the Code of Practice sub-committee of the Circle of Brigid. (Note: There is no "Athena Council" of the FOI Foundation Center.)

(CircleOfBrigid (at) fellowshipofisis.com)
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Copyright Questions
FOI Steward, Cressida Pryor writes (January 27, 2015): "The FOI founders (and now their heirs) are the sole owners of the FOI name, hieroglyphs and Olivia's writings and art work."
The Fellowship of Isis and its Manifesto are internationally copyrighted from 1976 to the present day by the Durdin-Robertson family. The name of the Fellowship of Isis (FOI) and Foundation Center Societies of the Noble Order of Tara (NOT) and the Druid Clan of Dana (DCD), as well as the Aset Shemsu hieroglyphics are unregistered international service/trademarks, owned by the Durdin-Robertson family. This includes all sub-societies within the Fellowship of Isis as well, such as the FOI's Muses Symposium, Spiral of the Adepti, Spiral of Alchemy.
Please also know that the full contents of this website are not considered public domain and are not to be duplicated/resold without written permission. All text, artwork, photos, sound recordings (mp3 files), and graphics are internationally copyright protected. Some text and artwork are from private correspondence with Olivia Robertson and are also copyright reserved.
Regarding the Liturgy, FOI members may print individual rites solely for their personal and group ritual use. However, publishing the work of Olivia or Lawrence Durdin-Robertson online or in printed form in any other manner is prohibited. The Liturgy and other materials on this site carry an ongoing co-copyright with Olivia Robertson's heirs and are not in the public domain. Copyright Page
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How to Join the FOI
Please see this page for information on FOI Enrollment.
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Personal Information
You may remove any personal information submitted to this site by contacting us at any time: Contact Info
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Once You Are a Member
See this page for information for solitaries and new members: Learn about the FOI
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Updating Your Membership Information
Once you join the Fellowship of Isis, you are considered a lifetime member unless you resign in writing (see the section below). If you have already enrolled, it is not necessary to re-enroll or to update your address or email. The Foundation Center does not keep records past the initial enrollment.
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Resigning from the FOI
Contact the center or website where you obtained your initial membership and inform them that you wish to resign. Please include the details of when you first enrolled (name, date, address, etc.) so they may look up your information more easily.
If you joined the FOI through this website, you may resign by contacting us at any time: Contact Info
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FOI Center Registration
For the most recent information about the Foundation Center's registration procedures, please see this page: Central Register
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Questions for researching school papers, fiction writing, games, etc.
We're sorry, but as volunteers, we simply do not have the time to answer these types of questions. We recommend that you consult your favorite search engine, or nearby library, for the information that you need.
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Other Inquiries
For areas not addressed on this website or in this FAQ, please see this page: Contact
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