Fellowship of Isis
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![]() Drawing of the Peacock Angel by Olivia Robertson "We artists and writers and musicians create a Rainbow Bridge of Harmony from earth to heaven, and from heaven to earth, from brightest White to deepest Indigo." The Muses Symposium was created by Olivia Robertson in the fall of 2007, in order to highlight the various arts and provide a means for members to communicate with each other about them. There are no overall coordinators of the Muses Symposium, but membership is free through friends who are already members. If you are looking for the 2013 founding of the "Order of the Helmet of Pallas Athena", please click here: Vessel of the Seer ![]() The Muses Symposium By: Olivia Robertson February, 2008 If you study textbook history of humanity, it consists of political warfare. Study religious history, and you have the same: duality resulting in violence and cruelty. The good has to be rescued from persecution, tribalism and territorial conflicts. But when I did my university course in Art History harmony prevailed! Artists did not murder each other impressionists versus academicians oil painters versus sculptors! Nowhere did I find intolerance resulting in violence. Disputes, yes. Therefore The Muses Symposium was inspired by the Muses, Goddesses of Arts and Crafts, for members who wish to write, not using email, who paint, and sculpt, and do gardening, who write poetry and tell stories and draw. Whenever I write and paint and act and dance I was very cheerful Hula Dancing I am happy NOW. Not yesterday tomorrow, but NOW. Now is forever. So members in any country who wish to contact other artists and writers who wish to avoid disputes, rivalry they may wish to contact like-minded people through the Muses Symposium by correspondence. To join you can write to Deena Butta* AU, who produces brilliant FOI ceremonies in Chicago, and Estara T shirai AU, who loves Fairies and knows their language. They are c/o Deena, Isis Seshat Magazine, Chicago, IL, USA. No, I won t give phone, email or fax! There are other ways. There is Rev. Vincent Akpabio, father of a brilliant Indigo child, POB 14949 Kano, NG 700213 Kano State, Nigeria. From Ghana there is Professor A.E. Affari AU, who has valuable information drawn from his deep studies of African religion. His address is Isis of the Mysteries , P.O. Box 8542 Accra North, Ghana. Mother Beatrice Okoekwe AU, of the Lyceum of the Cosmic Isis, gives an Indian-African perspective to the Faiths of Africa, from Amaseri, P.O. Box 541 Aba State, Afikpo, Nigeria. For those who desire a wide knowledge and practice of Gaelic Mysteries, they could apply to Swami Prem Sudheer, AU, a Scot who writes of the Celtic Mysteries and works them with Anne Marie Beaucoline, at their Lyceum of Brighid, 166 Rullion Rd., Penicuik, Scotland. That is good enough to get on with! Good luck! We artists and writers and musicians create a Rainbow Bridge of Harmony from earth to heaven, and from heaven to earth, from brightest White to deepest Indigo. *It is with sadness that we convey the Rt. Rev. Deena Butta has passed to spirit sphere on January 27, 2013. (Isian News Issue 127) ![]() ![]() © Noel Daly October 12, 2010: The Muses Symposium is not affiliated with any of the FOI Foundation Unions, ArchDruid Union, ArchPriesthood Union or the Grand Commander Union. It has no affiliation with the Druid Clan of Dana or the Noble Order of Tara or any other branch or society within the Fellowship of Isis. Becoming part of the Muses Symposium does not involve new Priesthood nor does it confer titles of Priest or Priestess to anyone. New members are honoured as Sons and Daughters of the Muses, i.e. "Daughter of Terpsichore" or "Son of Urania." Included for historical purposes only: "Those who are already ordained as members of the Priesthood are acknowledged as "Priestess" or "Priest" in their work for the Muses." (Quote from FOI newsletter #138) However, Olivia Robertson changed these instructions by postal mail received on 11/10/10: "No more Priesthood - all of us Arcadians!" Therefore, the title of "Priest/ess of ..." is no longer used. There are no levels, titles or degrees in the Muses Symposium. ![]() Oracle from Olivia Robertson Received via email on October 18, 2010 This oracle was received by Olivia Robertson in response concerning clarification of the Muses Symposium and the Magical Arcadian Realm. "ORACLE" "Our Muses Symposium exists already in the inner planes. We are now extending it to the material world,through the Fellowship of ISIS. Therefore, our Magical Arcadian Realm is not subject to any existing structures. It is a telepathic extension of our divine web of the arts. So,in the Muses Symposium, there are no levels, degrees or rules. The Goddess guides, not commands. We Muses inspire that perfect freedom of expression, without which, the Arts cannot exist. Be free, be joyful, be loving and so create your individual art, through the Divine Rainbow Network of all Arts." Our thanks to Rev. Stephanie Campbell, Iseum of the Golden Eagle and Iseum of the Arts, for forwarding the above email from Olivia. ![]() Received from Olivia Robertson by postal mail on Nov. 10, 2010 for the new edition of the Isis of Fellowship booklet: "We use the Ancient Greek name Arcadia to denote honour for our own individual land we live on! Not mere postal numbers, i.e. Utopia, Avalon, Cinnebar, 2 Ravens, Paradise Valley. Evermore. We are all Arcadians - modern 'Bohemians!' Free, unbound by regulations." ![]() Olivia's Art Gallery Publications by Olivia & Lawrence Durdin-Robertson Guidelines for all Centers ![]() All Rights Reserved. |