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Altar of Juno
Altar of Juno
image © O. Robertson

"All beings are children born of the Mother Goddess,
hence all are in essence Divine."

            Priesthood involves a voluntary acceptance of work undertaken for the Divine Plan of the Deities. The Priesthood of the Fellowship of Isis is hereditary in source, traced through the Robertsons of Strathloch. The priestly line comes to Lawrence and Olivia Robertson from the Egyptian Princess Scota, who was the daughter of the Pharaoh Cincris. Scota was hereditary Daughter of Isis through her descent from Isis and Osiris, Queen and King of Egypt. The Robertson family tree was matriculated through the Chief Herald of Ireland, Gerard Slevin, and earlier by their grandfather, through Lord Lyon’s office in Scotland.

            Quote from Olivia Robertson: "We have our Priesthood derived hereditarily from ancient Egypt, which we have described in booklets and therefore. But a Priesthood really means that you have a Vocation from Deity in some form or other, to help the world in some particular way: maybe through scholarship, writing books, doing nature. You're asked to do something. You feel the Vocation, but it is always from the Goddess - but you can add the God if you like - because the person joining the Fellowship wants to emphasize that part of their lives." Hear this quote: Hear the quote

            "The FOI Priesthood, has, primarily dedication to Isis of Ten Thousand Paths. Each new Priestess and Priest has been called to their own individual way of helping The Goddesses in the Divine Plan for our earth. We have one Ordination Rite to preserve this freedom. The candidate chooses the dedicatory Goddess and two others as support to bring balance. Dedication includes spiritual development, practice of arts and/or crafts, and care for others – including all nature. Titles are only designations, not of authority over others, or imposed doctrine, but of work undertaken. Initial Vocation sets the task, the Grael to be won." (Quote from Isis of Fellowship, How the FOI Was Founded")

            "The Priesthood of the Fellowship of Isis is hereditary in source, through the Robertsons of Strathloch, and is passed to priestesses and priests of the Fellowship through the Rite of Ordination, also through touch and oil. Vocation is essential. The Priestesses and Priests may in their turn ordain others, either through ceremony or through oil and touch, as was the custom in Ancient Egypt. The ceremony may be conducted at a distance through mutual arrangement." (In attunement, members bless the oil themselves, holding their hands over it in the name of their Dedicatory Goddess.) Quote from the original Handbook of the FOI.

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