Fellowship of Isis
Foundation Center Castle Festivals
Foundation Center © Please do not reproduce.
"Each festival is a marker of past and future united with the present. For no festival, no season, no year is the same: yet it resonates with the past and the future. Our earth mirrors forth our own days and nights. She has her night in winter, her dawn in spring, her fruition in summer and her psychic withdrawal in the autumn. Yet the year is no closed circuit: even the mighty sun is moving at incredible velocity round our galaxy, who herself is dancing round her own centre and moving through space. In order to attain cosmic consciousness that brings us into resonance with planetary, solar and stellar consciousness, we offer rituals to mark the flow of Time and Space. Through the dolmen gateway of a ritual we may reach the very hub of the cosmic spiral and so attain spiritual rebirth." (Olivia Robertson, "Panthea")
The Fellowship of Isis Foundation Center is located at Huntington (Clonegal) Castle in Enniscorthy, Ireland. The members of the Rainbow Circle of Brigid oversee the Castle festivals, among other duties within the Fellowship, and the current Steward of the FOI is Cressida Pryor. Pamela Currey, Lawrence Durdin-Robertson's granddaughter and Cressida's successor, lives nearby and cares for the Castle Temple on a regular basis.
Invitations: Members who wish to visit the Foundation Center Castle in Ireland are invited to do so during one of the seasonal festivals. Gatherings take place eight times a year: Brigantia, Spring Equinox, Beltaine, Summer Solstice, Lughnasad, Autumn Equinox, Samhain, and the Winter Solstice. These festivals are by invitation only.
To request an invitation to the next seasonal festival please email:
(CircleOfBrigid (at) fellowshipofisis.com)
To read about past events that have taken place at the FOI Foundation Center, please see this page:
Reports on Previous Castle Events
Huntington/Clonegal Castle is a private home and not open to the public except for scheduled tours and events, which may be viewed here: http://www.huntingtoncastle.com
To read about the Circle of Brigid, please see this page: Circle of Brigid
Foundation Center. © Please do not reproduce.
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