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Cressida Pryor, Olivia Robertson's Successor
Letters from Olivia Robertson

Members' Shrine
Members' Shrine, Clonegal Castle

Here is a declaration I know you will approve of regarding Cressida as my successor:
I Olivia Robertson am inspired by Isis at Opet 23rd July 2011 to declare that my niece the Rev Cressida Pryor our priestess is my successor to my spiritual work for the Fellowship of Isis. We need a world centre to coordinate the names and commitment to the manifesto of all our centres throughout the World at the unifying address of the Foundation Centre Clonegal Ireland. The register will be in the care of Cressida Pryor on her email address. (note: see links below)
Signed: Olivia Robertson

From Cressida Pryor:
I Cressida Pryor commit myself to continue the spiritual work and path of the FOI as started by my Aunt Olivia, Uncle Derry and Aunt Bobby. I feel honoured and delighted to pick up the baton of this challenge and I know I have huge footsteps to fill. The central tenets of the FOI manifesto will be a crucial obligation for all centres to uphold. This will allow for democratic, equal and spiritual dignity for all members. Registration will remain within the foundation centre under the care of myself. New centres and members need now to apply to the FOI Central Registry on my email address. (note: see links below) A requirement of registration is to agree to the ideals and ethics of the manifesto.
Signed Cressida Pryor.

Go to the Join the FOI Page

Go to the Center/Title Registration Page

From Olivia Robertson:
I am so happy that my niece Cressida Pryor is my successor in the spiritual and ethical work of the Fellowship of Isis. We need one single centre for registration of membership and centres (Lyceums, Iseums, Priories and Groves) which should be Clonegal Castle. Cressida has offered to be the custodian of the register. New members may register with her and must sign that they agree to the Manifesto. No member has the right to control another. There are no subscription fees, membership will always continue to be free. I feel my brother is with me as the Fellowship of Isis goes back to basics.

Cressida is the niece of my brother Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and Pamela Durdin-Robertson. (July 25, 2011)

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